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The European Lidar Conference 2021 venue is the Paraninfo hall in the “Parque Tecnológico de la Salud” campus from the University of Granada. The Paraninfo was founded in 2015 and has capacity for 840 people, available for hosting conferences, symposiums and cultural events. The plenary, oral, poster and discussion sessions as well as exhibitions will take place in the Paraninfo. Lunch will be provided at the “Cafeteria” next to the Paraninfo in the same building.

The new and spacious venue with large capacity allows the accommodation up to 300 keeping the minimum social distance. We will put in place a wide range of precautionary measures, aligned with the directives of the European authorities.

Address: Paraninfo UGR - Av. de la Ilustración, 4P, 18016 Granada


How to get to the venue:

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