All accepted abstracts are published in the ELC2020 Electronic Proceedings Book, included in your virtual conference bag and available at the website http://www.elc2020.iista.es/.
Instructions for oral presentations
Presenters will share their presentation in the plenary virtual room. An ethernet connection is advised for the presenters in order to avoid connection problems during their presentations.
Oral presentations would have a 12-minute time slot plus 3 minutes for questions. In the case of the invited talks, the assigned time slot would be 27 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions. Additional time for questions will be available during the Discussion Sessions.
Instructions for poster presentations
Posters should be in landscape A4 pdf format and with enough resolution to be readable when projecting in your shared screen. Presenting authors are kindly asked to present their posters during the poster session. Posters are presented in individual virtual rooms where the presenting authors would display their poster by sharing their screen.
The conference participants can join the authors to discuss their work during the poster sessions in the individual virtual room using a link that will be provided soonish.
Please submit your poster to elc2020abstracts@ugr.es before 15 November 2020 for organizational purposes. Posters would be made publicly available together with the Proceedings Book.