(Emeritus Professor of Oral Medicine and Experimental Pathology, King's College London. Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Cancer/Precancer)
(Profesor Ayudante Doctor de Medicina Oral, Universidad de Granada)
- José Manuel Aguirre Urizar
(Catedrático de Medicina Oral, Universidad del País Vasco)
- Miguel Ángel González Moles
(Catedrático de Medicina Oral. Universidad de Granada)
(Emeritus Professor of Oral Pathology and Medicine, King's College London)
(Auxiliar Professor in Periodontal and Surgical Clinic, Oral Pathology and Biopathology, University Institute of Health Sciences, Oporto, Portugal)
(Catedrático de Medicina Legal de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
(Clinical professor Departamento de otorrinolaringología - Cirugía de cabeza y cuello. New York Grossman School of medicine)